Ovarian Cyst Removal
Post Created: Oct-2020 Post Updated: 21-May-2023 by PineMedicare
Category: Gynecology
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form on or within the ovaries. Most are harmless and disappear without treatment, but some, especially if they rupture, can cause severe symptoms. Regular pelvic exams and awareness of symptoms are essential for early detection and management.
Smaller ovarian cysts may be asymptomatic. Larger cysts can cause pelvic pain, bloating, backache, pain during intercourse, and painful periods.
Ovulation is the primary cause of ovarian cysts. Other causes include atypical cell reproduction, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Surgery may be necessary to diagnose and treat ovarian cysts that cause symptoms or to rule out ovarian cancer. Surgery is advised if cysts persist, are atypical, or if cancer is suspected.
Risk Factors
Major risk factors for ovarian cysts include hormonal problems, pregnancy, endometriosis, severe pelvic infection, and previous ovarian cysts.
Diagnosis and Tests
Diagnosis may involve pelvic exams, Pap tests, and colonoscopies.
Treatment Procedure
Ovarian cysts may resolve on their own or be treated with hormone-containing medications to prevent ovulation. Surgery may be necessary to remove persistent cysts. Procedures include laparoscopy or laparotomy.
Outcome & Recovery
Recovery time varies depending on the patient, procedure, and severity of the condition.
Success Rate
The success rate depends on various factors, including the stage of the condition and the patient's age and complications.
Do's & Don'ts
- Wash the stitched-up area regularly and maintain good hygiene
- Dry the area thoroughly to prevent moisture buildup
- Watch for signs of infection such as fever and swelling
- Wear breathable, comfortable clothing
- Consume saturated fats
- Avoid heavy lifting to prevent strain on stitches
- Avoid strenuous activities until advised by your doctor
আমি একজন বাংলাদেশী রোগী। পাইনমেডিকেয়ার আমাকে ভারতের চেন্নাইতে চিকিৎসা প্রাপ্ত করার সাহায্য করেছে। তারা আমার ও আমার পরিবারের পক্ষ থেকে সকল অসুবিধা দূর করে নিয়েছেন, যেমনঃ রুম বুকিং, ক্যাব বুকিং, জরুরি অ্যাম্বুলেন্স সেবা ইত্যাদি। পাইনমেডিকেয়ার মাধ্যমে আমি চিকিৎসা পেয়ে খুব সন্তুষ্ট এবং তাদের সমর্থন এবং সহযোগিতা অসাধারণ ছিল। অত্যন্ত ধন্যবাদ পাইনমেডিকেয়ারের দিকে।
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